Our region’s lack of available housing and the deficiency in housing options to accommodate each stage of life, along with a jobs/housing imbalance, are driving up housing costs and negatively affecting our quality of life

While there is no single policy that will solve housing affordability, added supply of a diversity of housing products is an urgent need. ITV’s Tri-Valley 2040 VISION PLAN calls our region to embrace a HOUSING FOR ALL approach by finding innovative housing opportunities to keep our population thriving and our quality of life standards high.

Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group:

Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group (ITV) is led by business leaders and influencers committed to connecting the businesses, research labs, educational institutions, and civic leaders in the Tri-Valley region. This collaborative force is generating job growth and economic vitality for a region that is globally connected, regionally united, and locally unique.

Download the full Tri-Valley Vision 2040 report

TRIVALLEY Branding Initiative Logo
ITV represents a growing partnership of public and private entities that have committed leadership, time and dollars to securing a bold future for the Tri-Valley region. We have expanded to take on issues necessary to sustain any innovation ecosystem – among them housing, education, transportation and attracting and retaining a vital workforce. Learn more about the TRIVALLEY branding effort here.

Innovation Tri-Valley Partners

Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group is a collaborative effort between leaders and influencers committed to connecting the businesses, educational institutions, research labs, and civic leaders in the Tri-Valley region. To see the entire list of partners and the board of directors, follow the links.