Stephanie Beasly
Stephanie BeaslyBoard Chair, Nominating Committee Co-Chair
Dr. Dyrell Foster
Dr. Dyrell FosterVice-Chair | DEI Council Co-Chair
Don Marek
Don MarekTreasurer
Elsie Quaite-Randall
Elsie Quaite-RandallSecretary
Rich Hoyt
Rich HoytBusiness Innovation Committee Chair
Beth McCormick
Beth McCormickDEI Council Co-Chair
Alex Mehran Jr.
Alex Mehran Jr.Member-At-Large
Anthony Redondo
Anthony RedondoMember-At-Large
Sblend Sblendorio
Sblend SblendorioHIT Committee Chair
Tim Sbranti
Tim SbrantiLiaison to Education and Workforce Development Committee
John Sensiba
John SensibaNominating Committee Co-Chair
Mino Sastry
Mino SastryMember-At-Large
Veena Kaul
Veena KaulMember-At-Large
Dublin Technology Center Workspaces & Kensington Laboratories