Innovation Tri-Valley has several committees that meet on a regular basis to work on specific projects and programs. This is a summary of each of the committees and their initiatives.

Chair – Rich Hoyt

The Business Innovation committee’s main focus is to turn up the heat in the Tri-Valley by attracting business to grow in the region, generating jobs, retaining top talent and expanding the number of major corporations.



  • Carry out marketing and public relations efforts bringing continued awareness to the strengths of our region.  Host events, like the Game Changers Awards, which honor local companies and individuals for their commitment to industry in our region.
  • Be a resource for companies looking to establish and scale businesses locally.
  • Work with government officials to streamline permitting policies.
  • Maintain local, national and international awareness and how this affects our region.
  • Facilitate business and community connections and access strategic relationships with business and government.
  • Establish a regional presence in national and statewide organizations to gain a broader voice and influence.
  • Invite and welcome new ITV partners.

The CEO Circle meets on an as-needed basis, so C-level executives of member companies can suggest new or revised policy directions for Innovation Tri-Valley.

For more information contact ITV CEO Lynn Wallace Naylor.

Objective: To raise Diversity, Equity and Inclusion impact across the Tri-Valley region while driving new, innovative practices among our Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group collective of industry leaders.

Co-Chairs: Dr. Dyrell Foster, President, Las Positas College & Beth McCormick, McCormick Consulting (Retired LLNL)


Jacqueline D. Brown, Workday
Steven Currie, DEI Workforce Development Program Manager, Contra Costa Water District
Aaron Ortiz, La Familia
Illy Peete, Peete Consulting: Racial & Social Equity
Stephanie Rivera, Lazarex Cancer Foundation
Sherri R. Sager, Stanford Children’s Health/Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital

Co-Chairs – Monya Lane, CEO of Quest Science Center and April Treece, CEO of Bay Area Leeds

Business growth requires talented employees. Strong schools can help recruit these employees from other areas with strong K-12 schools of their own. The goal of the Education Committee is to provide K-12 schools and community college with opportunities to advance STEM education.


  • Connect businesses with schools to provide direction to develop STEM programs or other programs businesses indicate they need.
  • Produce a matrix that defines each district’s STEM program.
  • Analyze the matrix to determine missing link and fill the gaps.
  • Enhance communication between business, School Districts and advanced education institutions in the Tri-Valley and beyond.

Chair – Sblend Sblendorio

The HIT Committee is focused on addressing quality of life issues including the need for affordable family housing and transportation needs. HIT facilitates the need more housing developments in the region and policy changes that make developing housing easier. HIT also advocates for better transportation infrastructure including BART to ACE and more flights to and from Oakland International Airport.

  • Advocate for housing via strategic partnerships with Millennials throughout the regions, nurture relationships with elected, be present at all five cities’ city council meeting to push for housing-planning for the future, educate the public about how the housing crisis can impact their business as well as their children’s ability to live in the Tri-Valley
  • As a member of the Altamont Regional Railway Group, Innovation Tri-Valley will push for connectivity from Pleasanton into Tracy and beyond in order to take cars off the road, thereby increasing people’s quality of life and decreasing pollution.
  • Work with Oakland International to communicate the need for businesses to be the voice behind the expansion of routes originating from Oakland to other parts of the country as well as internationally.